Victoria Wray is Manager of Agency Standards and Integration in the Agency Partnerships and Capability branch at Te Tari Taiwhenua, the Department of Internal Affairs.
She has worked in digital government since it was called e-government, on a range of products and programmes from Govt.nz, to digital inclusion, open government, and standards.
Victoria is inspired by the potential digital government has to make a difference to people’s lives. She gets passionate about equity and fairness when it comes to inclusive, ethical tech, and equitable access to government.
06 December 2019
Building blocks of digital transformation
17 December 2018
Have your say on web accessibility standards
14 December 2018
Open data, open government
02 May 2018
‘Listen up’ - democratic engagement and Twitter
01 December 2017
Reimagining participatory democracy - a review of the Government Online Engagement Service
10 April 2017
What's in the government web domain?
08 March 2017
Government web domain: let's fix it
16 February 2016
Vision & goals for Govt.nz — give us your feedback
03 March 2015
Making it easier to have your say