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I’ve been a part of many discussions over how to raise awareness of the value and risks of emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, blockchains and virtual reality. Midway through one of those meetings I realised that all of the approaches that were being discussed – seminars, papers and the like – were making my eyes roll up in my head from sheer boredom. If that was the case for me, then how must it be for people who aren’t professionally and personally interested in this stuff?

So I tried to think of a different way, a way that might succeed in personally engaging people – something that is apparently quite unusual in the tech world. That thought led to the creation of Megatrend Mashup.

Megatrend Mashup is a collaborative card game that will help you consider emerging, disruptive technology and, as a thought experiment, apply it to real problems.

We’ve already received some great feedback:

…it was a stimulating and interesting exercise and was a good way to get us thinking about new and disruptive technologies in a constructive and positive way. I can see it being a great activity for a team away day to get people into a creative headspace and personally I was really impressed with how much thought had gone into the design of the game and the way it was run.

I found it fun, interesting and stimulating – although you probably don’t want me to ever assume positions of power of the general populace!

A thought provoking game with super-topical problem topics with emerging disruptive/innovative technologies suggestions to try to solve them. A very provocative and engaging session with huge potential to fire and engage minds.

If you would like to play Megatrend Mashup, you can:

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