C3 (Common Capabilities and Cloud) Programme
This Programme is delivering new, modern, secure and fit-for-purpose channels, catalogues and services on Marketplace — to replace the expiring Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Telecommunications as a Service (TaaS) Common Capability agreements.
C3 Programme
The Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Telecommunications as a Service (TaaS) Common Capability agreements were established in and (respectively). Their purpose was for the NZ Government to consistently purchase commonly needed ICT services from approved suppliers. These will expire in late .
There’s strong interest from agencies and suppliers for the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) to implement new solutions that continue to meet their current needs, and accommodate future technological advances, while supporting their changing requirements.
As Lead Agency, DIA acting on behalf of the Government Chief Digital Officer (GCDO), is developing replacements for these solutions which will be offered on Marketplace.
Benefits of the C3 Programme
Benefits delivered by the C3 Programme include, for example:
- better ongoing collaboration and engagement with the market to advocate on behalf of public sector agencies’ needs
- consistent governance, assurance and operational processes that support agency and supplier interactions
- an enhanced range of fit-for-purpose, competitive, modern, flexible and secure digital solutions and services
- improved maturity of the secondary procurement processes
- an improvement in the quality, consistency and sustainability of commercial engagements and relationships between agencies and suppliers.
Support will continue for:
- Government Chief Digital Officer’s (GCDOs) ‘Cloud First’ Policy and Cabinet mandate
- Public sector agency mandates to procure through All-of-Government contract arrangements, as directed by Cabinet, a Systems Lead or Section 107 of the Crown Entities Act .
Systems Leads — Public Service Commission
Section 107 of the Crown Entities Act — New Zealand Legislation
Guidance: directions to support a whole of government approach — Public Service Commission
About Marketplace
Operating since , this online market was developed with support from local industry and government agencies — to give agencies access to innovative products and services and for suppliers to deliver them, making the procurement process easier for all.
Upcoming activities
- — RFI (request for information) questions deadline
- — RFI responses deadline
- to — Post-RFI supplier consultations
The RFI details are available on the GETS (Government Electronic Tender Service) website.
RFI for telecommunication, ICT infrastructure and cloud services — GETS
Progress updates
- — Digital.govt.nz webpage published
- — RFI released to market
RFI for telecommunication, ICT infrastructure and cloud services — GETS
Utility links and page information
Last updated