2017 Web Standards Self-Assessments Report
July 2018
This report was prepared for Government Information Services, Department of Internal Affairs, by Access Advisors (a Blind Foundation initiative).
1. Introduction
On December 2003, Cabinet Minute [CAB Min (03) 41/2B], noted that the New Zealand Government had set Web Guidelines to assist government agencies to make services as accessible as possible to the widest range of New Zealanders, and assist government agencies to develop websites that give effect to core Public Service values, and also to meet obligations under the Official Information Act 1992, the Human Rights Act 1993, the Policy Framework for Government-held Information, New Zealand’s obligations under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and Māori Language strategies.
In 2010 the international web standards (WCAG2.0) were adopted to drive increased conformance with the government’s accessibility goals, and by 2013 a set of New Zealand specific Web Accessibility and Web Usability Standards were mandated. All Public Service departments and Non-Public Service departments are required to assess and report on their conformance with these Standards on request. DIA administers this process, and on 29 September 2017 the mandated agencies were invited to participate in the 2017 Web Standards Self-Assessments, with the following aims:
- identify common Web Standards issues across government websites
- support the development of new guidance to help agencies meet the Web Standards
- assess the effectiveness and value of the self-assessment methodology.
This report summarises the 2017 Self-Assessment process. It provides an overview of the results submitted by agencies, identifies top issues and trends, and proposes recommendations to address some of the challenges raised. At various points throughout the report, significant findings, as well as key issues calling for solutions, are noted. These have been collated in Appendix A and Appendix B.
2. Executive Summary
The 33 Public Service departments and Non-Public Service departments, subject to the Cabinet mandate to self-assess their conformance against the Web Accessibility and Web Usability Standards, were invited to participate in the 2017 Web Standards Self-Assessment programme in September 2017. DIA developed a 2017 Web Standards Self-Assessment Methodology (SAM) to facilitate this process.
The self-assessment documentation was submitted to DIA in April 2018. A review and external audit of the results submitted by agencies was undertaken with the assistance of our external third-party private sector partners, Access Advisors (a Blind Foundation initiative). We identified an average compliance rate of 65% against the SAM. Agencies had some difficulty assessing certain tests, and their own self-assessment results were, on average, only 75% accurate, as judged by the external audit. However, the tests that were most commonly failed in the agency results were the tests most commonly failed in the external audit (see Figure 1).
Our key findings were that:
- The Self-Assessment Methodology results do not, sufficiently address or represent the full suite of Web Standards requirements to serve as a complete measure of Web Standards conformance.
- NZ Government web standard capability across government is low, and much of this work is currently outsourced.
- Agency conformance was variable, however the three persistent conformance issues for agency websites were:
- making information in images available to people who cannot see them
- ensuring that web pages can be used by people who rely on a keyboard instead of a mouse
- using headings properly to structure content to make it easy for people to understand and navigate, including people who use software to support their interpretation of web pages.
The recommendations we identified to treat the issues identified in these findings were:
- To review and improve the NZ Web Standards and supporting SAM conformance model, in line with the new International Standard which was recently published in March 2018 (WGAG 2.1). Options for alternative or improved methods of assessment should be investigated.
- The level of maturity and capability across government practitioners is in general low and we need to increase their knowledge and understanding of the Web Standards, of the self-assessment tests, and how to perform them. To inform this process of upskilling, feedback from agencies about their experience of the 2017 Self-Assessments should be sought.
- We should target our remediation efforts on addressing the top three persistent conformance issues which were identified in the 2017 results and broadly align with the 2014 results.
A set of detailed results and recommendations is included in the report, which includes a comparison with the previous Self-Assessment results from 2014.

Detailed description of graph
This graph shows how closely government agency self-assessment scores overall matched the external audit scores for meeting the Standards.
In 2017, the closest match between the scores were in the areas of: Tables (agencies self-assessed themselves as 95% compliant and the external audit scored them at 94%); Captions and transcripts (agencies self-assessed themselves as 93% compliant and the external audit scored them at 94%); and Links to non-HTML files (agencies self-assessed themselves as 91% compliant and the external audit scored them at 94%).
The three greatest differences between the two scores were Images (where agencies scored themselves as 61% compliant and the external audit scored them at only 8%); Keyboard (where agencies scored themselves as 45% compliant and the external audit scored them at 19%); and Headings (where agencies scored themselves as 65% compliant and the external audit scored them at 40%).
Figure 1 above compares the overall compliance rates per SAM test as assessed by agencies versus the external audit. (See Table 4 for the data represented in Figure 1), and highlights where the greatest differences in compliance scores were located.
3. Background
3.1 New Zealand Government Web Standards
The New Zealand Government Web Standards are made up of 2 separate standards, the Web Accessibility Standard and the Web Usability Standard. As established by Cabinet in 2003 [CAB Min (03) 41/2B], these Standards are mandatory for Public Service departments and Non-Public Service departments in the State Services.
The Standards set requirements for the design, development, and content of Government websites to help make them easier for the public to use. They also require that agencies, when asked, assess and report on their conformance with the Standards.
The New Zealand Government Web Standards can be found on www.digital.govt.nz.
3.1.1 Web Accessibility Standard
The Web Accessibility Standard is a profile of the World Wide Web Consortium’s (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines v2.0 (WCAG 2.0). With some exceptions (notably around complex images and audio description for video), it requires that each web page conform to all WCAG 2.0 Level A and Level AA requirements, or Success Criteria (SC) as they are called in the WCAG specification. WCAG 2.0 is the de facto international standard for web accessibility, and serves as the basis for the web accessibility requirements of several jurisdictions, including Australia, Canada, United Kingdom and the European Union.
3.1.2 Web Usability Standard
The Web Usability Standard sets a number of policy-related requirements to do with privacy, copyright and licensing. It also includes a small number of best practices for improving usability, such as requiring that links to downloadable files include an indication of the file's size and format, and that each site's home page include a clear link to a page with contact information.
3.1.3 2017 Self-Assessment Methodology (SAM)
The 2017 Self-Assessment Methodology (SAM) is a collection of 10 manual tests, and 1 test using an automated tool. Developed to address the common issues identified by the 2014 Web Standards Self-Assessments, these tests were intended to highlight issues for repair and indicate how well a web page meets certain indicators of accessibility and usability (as defined by the Web Standards). The SAM was meant to be easy to use by almost anyone, without requiring advanced expertise, and reduce the cost and effort to agencies. The SAM results do not, however, sufficiently address or represent the full suite of Web Standards requirements to serve as a complete measure of Web Standards compliance; they do however set out the key issues.
3.2 Previous self-assessments
Over the years, agencies have self-assessed their websites against the NZ Government Web Standards in different ways.
3.2.1 2011 Self-Assessments
In 2011, agencies assessed only a handful of web pages from each of their websites against the Web Standards. The results from those self-assessments, along with subsequent, informal website reviews and feedback from the government web community indicated significant variability in how well agencies and their web vendors were able to implement and assess against the Web Standards. This variability in addressing the Web Standards was especially evident with regard to the accessibility-related requirements.
3.2.2 2014 Self-Assessments
In July 2013, the Web Standards were revised and split into the Web Accessibility and Web Usability Standards that are in force today. Between November 2014 and June 2015, mandated agencies participated in the 2014 Web Standards Self-Assessments, a much more comprehensive activity where each agency assessed upwards of 78 pages against close to 40 different requirements. The results from those self-assessments identified common and priority areas for improvement, and confirmed existing impressions of agencies and vendors' variable capability with respect to the Web Standards. However, compared to 2011, the 2014 Self-Assessments were a relatively costly endeavour for agencies.
Taking into account what was learned from 2014, a new, simplified approach for the 2017 Self-Assessments was devised to help agencies meet their Web Standards obligations, while reducing cost and effort to them.
3.3 Comparing self-assessments over the years
The 2011, 2014, and 2017 Self-Assessments were each very different in the number of pages that were assessed, the tests that were performed, and how results were recorded. As such, it is not possible to directly compare the results from the various self-assessments for any robust measure of change or progress over time.
However, it is possible to compare the list of most common issues identified in 2014 with those found in the 2017 Self-Assessments, and note the relative prevalence of those issues. Insights from that comparison can be found in this report under Comparing 2017 results to 2014 results.
Table 1 summarises the main procedural differences between the 2014 and 2017 Self-Assessments.
2017 Self-Assessments | 2014 Self-Assessments |
Each agency assessed a total of 20 pages, including up to 3 home pages, 3 "Contact us" pages, and pages with different content types (e.g. lists, tables, forms, images, video, date pickers, etc.). | Each agency assessed up to 5 home pages, 5 “Contact us” pages, and a maximum of 68 randomly selected pages from across all its websites. |
Three views (desktop, tablet, and phone) of each page was assessed against 7 tests related to the Web Accessibility Standard, and 4 tests related to the Web Usability Standard. | Each page was assessed against each of the 37 WCAG 2.0 success criteria required by the Web Accessibility Standard, and each requirement from the Web Usability Standard. |
Assessment results were recorded in a single spreadsheet. One pass/fail mark per requirement was assigned for each of the 3 views of each page, specified by URL. | Assessment results were recorded in a single spreadsheet, with one pass/fail mark per requirement for each web page, specified by URL. |
Agencies were required to review their own assessment results, develop and submit an action plan report. | Agencies were required to review their own assessment results, develop and submit a risk management plan. |
4. Self-Assessment process and timeline
Agencies participating in the Self-Assessments were required to deliver the following artefacts:
- results for all web pages assessed against the tests included in the 2017 Web Standards Self-Assessment Methodology (SAM)
- an action plan report outlining the agency's intentions and a timeline for addressing the issues raised by the self-assessment results, and improving the agency’s overall position with regard to the Web Standards.
The SAM included 1 automated test and 10 manual tests. The automated test involved using the aXe extension for Chrome. The 10 manual tests required an assessor to review and interpret, with the aid of tools, different aspects of the web page. These two types of test complemented each other, as the automated test finds a range of WCAG 2.0 failures that the manual tests do not address at all. Of the manual tests, 6 were related to the Web Accessibility Standard, and 4 to the Web Usability Standard.
The self-assessment results (but not the action plan reports) were audited by accessibility consultants, Access Advisors, who have more than 15 years web accessibility expertise. From those external audits, the following artefacts were produced:
- assessment results for a 3 page subset of each agency’s sample of web pages, with pass/fail marks for each requirement, along with automated test results, as required by the SAM.
- a list of the most common SAM failures across government websites as determined by both the agencies' self-assessments and the external audits
- comparison of agency results with those from the external audit
4.1 Timeline
The call for the 2017 Web Standards Self-Assessments was issued 29 September 2017 to all agencies mandated to meet the Web Standards. Agencies had almost 5 months (albeit bridging the summer holiday period), until 23 February 2018, to submit their self-assessment results and action plan reports.
Not all agency submissions were received by the 23 February 2018 due date. To help agencies complete their self-assessments, three deadline extensions were eventually granted. The first extension to the end of March was formally issued on 21 March 2018.
Several agencies required more time, and on 5 April, a second extension to 30 April 2018 was communicated directly to the 8 agencies yet to submit.
Finally, an absolutely final deadline of 4 May was sent out to the remaining few agencies that missed the 30 April deadline. In response, 2 agencies confirmed that they would not be completing the 2017 Self-Assessments.
In the end, all expected self-assessment spreadsheets were delivered by 7 May 2018, with one exception, which was not submitted until 15 June 2018, too late to be included in the analysis.
4.2 Agency response
At the time of the Self-Assessments call in September 2017, there were 30 Public Service departments and 3 Non-Public Service departments in the State Services mandated by Cabinet to meet the Web Standards. Each of these 33 agencies responded to the call.
While all mandated agencies responded to the call for self-assessment, only 30 of the mandated agencies submitted full self-assessment results and action plan reports. One agency, the New Zealand Customs Service, submitted self-assessment results, but did not submit an action plan, citing priority work on the Customs and Excise Act as the reason.
Two agencies submitted neither self-assessment results nor action plan reports. The Crown Law Office indicated that it had recently undergone operational IT restructuring and, taking the Self-Assessments as part of a broader package of ICT assurance work, would be looking to address the Web Standards following the agency's establishment of a new web platform. The Ministry for the Environment did not submit any documents because of budgetary and resource constraints.
The Ministry for Pacific Peoples did submit self-assessment results only, but unfortunately those results were received too late to be included in the final analysis and review of agencies' submissions.
5. Goals of the 2017 Self-Assessments
Compared to the 2014 Web Standards Self-Assessments, the 2017 Self-Assessments were much simpler, with a new test methodology that reduced cost and effort to agencies, while delivering more practical results. The new methodology is meant to be easy to use by almost any web practitioner to test for common Web Standards issues, especially accessibility problems. It is a methodology that lends itself to formal self-assessments, as was the case here, but it can also be re-used on demand for any web page by any agency at any time.
The 2017 Web Standards Self-Assessment Methodology (SAM) represents a move away from more traditional compliance-based assessment methodologies. Such conformance-oriented approaches might clearly identify which specific requirements a web page fails to meet, but they do not necessarily translate as readily into practical or actionable results. Therefore the 2017 SAM does not serve to identify a web page's compliance with each of the technical requirements specified in the Web Standards. Instead, it is a relatively small collection of tests developed to address the most common issues identified by the 2014 Web Standards Self-Assessments. These tests highlight problems needing to be fixed, and indicate how well a web page meets certain indicators of accessibility and usability (as defined by the Web Standards).
The SAM itself has the following aims:
- raise staff knowledge and skill with regard to the Web Standards
- identify notable accessibility and other Web Standards issues for prioritisation and fixing by agencies
- report existing issues to management to get their support for training, remediation, resources, etc.
- test web content built by external companies for common accessibility issues
- reduce the effort involved in testing and identifying common Web Standards issues
- enable the testing process throughout a website’s development lifecycle (as opposed to at the end) to ensure it is continually accessible
In addition to the above goals, the 2017 Self-Assessments aimed to:
- identify which accessibility issues covered by the SAM are most common across agency websites
- inform the development of future guidance and support for agencies and practitioners delivering government information and services on the web
- test the new methodology, for its practicality and effectiveness in identifying common Web Standards issues with NZ Government websites, and for its viability as an indicator of, or proxy for, accessibility generally, and WCAG 2.0 conformance in particular.
6. Analysis and results
6.1 Summary
Once agencies submitted their results, those results were externally audited by accessibility consultants. A review of agencies' results alongside those from the external audit highlights which SAM tests were failed by NZ Government web pages most frequently, and which SAM tests agencies had the most difficulty assessing accurately. Based on this audit and review, agency web pages have an average compliance rate of 65% against the SAM.
Agencies' self-assessment results were, on average, only 75% accurate. Despite this, the SAM tests most commonly failed in the agency results were confirmed by the external audit results. Those tests were:
- the Images test, which looked for image content that did not have a proper text equivalent for people who cannot see the image for whatever reason
- the Keyboard test, which checked that all functionality worked via the keyboard, and that interactive elements had a visible indication when they were in focus
- the Headings test, which checked that content presented as a heading (e.g. bigger and bolder) had the proper HTML markup to programmatically identify it as a heading, and vice versa, that content marked up as a heading actually served as a heading to the content that followed it.
As was noted from the 2014 Self-Assessments, those tests or requirements with the least compliance also tended to be the least accurately assessed. This correlation indicates that the less one understands a requirement, the less likely they are to accurately assess for it, and the less likely they are to develop or design a web page that meets it.
According to the more accurate external audit results, the Images test was passed only 8% of the time. The Keyboard test had an average compliance rate of 19%, and the Headings test a rate of 40%. This suggests that NZ Government web pages will present accessibility issues for people who:
- cannot see image content (whether they are vision impaired or, for example, have not downloaded web page images in order to save bandwidth on a dial-up or mobile connection)
- cannot or prefer not to use a mouse or other pointer device, and instead rely on a keyboard to navigate and interact with web content
- rely on the HTML markup to expose, via special software (e.g. screen reader), the heading structure or hierarchy on the page in order to understand and navigate its content.
Each of the SAM test results were mapped to their relevant WCAG 2.0 Success Criteria (SC). In some cases, notably the Keyboard, as well as the Captions and Transcripts, a single test could reveal issues related to different WCAG SC. The assessor notes associated with these individual test results were reviewed, and where appropriate, a single Fail result was expanded into several issues, each representing a discrete WCAG SC failure.
This approach established a more granular picture of web page compliance with individual WCAG SC, providing more detailed information about specific causes underlying test failures. This enhanced detail also enabled a more complete comparison of the SAM with a full WCAG 2.0 audit, which was performed on a subset of 10 pages. In the end, however, it was concluded that the SAM simply does not check a sufficiently broad number of WCAG SC or causes of accessibility issues to serve as a reliable proxy for or indicator of accessibility, as defined by the Web Accessibility Standard.
6.2 Agency compliance scores
Individual agencies’ compliance as measured by the SAM was not an explicitly requested measure. For this reason, agency compliance scores are not included in this report. However, such a measure is possible to extract from the dataset produced from an agency's self-assessment results.
6.3 Action Plan reports
Action plans were not reviewed as part of this analysis. The action plan reports that agencies submitted remain with the Department of Internal Affairs for internal use.
However, the reports submitted ranged from formal plans approved by the agency's Chief Information Officer, to a few sentences via email regarding general plans to address the findings and renew efforts to meet the Web Standards.
6.4 Data quality
6.4.1 Inconsistent data entry
There were many empty results in agencies' submitted spreadsheets. In a good number of cases, these were the results for a page's Tablet and Phone viewports. Where there was no difference in the results from one viewport to the other, assessors were instructed to enter "No change". For example, if a page failed a certain test at the Desktop viewport, and the result was the same for the Tablet viewport, the assessor was expected to enter "Fail" in the Result column for Tablet, and "No change" in the Notes column. Similarly when moving from the Tablet to the Phone viewport.
The SAM instructions were not overly detailed around this procedure, and in some cases, the results for Tablet and Phone were left blank. In those instances, unless the blank Result value was accompanied by a "No change" (or similar, e.g. "Same as above") in the Notes, and also preceded by a "Fail" at the previous viewport, there was little choice but to interpret and record the blank as a Pass. However, the overall breakdown of Pass and Fail results across these three viewports for the subset of 3 pages included in the external audit showed no significant difference.
For many of the SAM manual tests, if the test was not applicable (because the particular element to be checked was not present on the page), assessors were to leave the Result column blank, and record "N/A" in the Notes column. For instance, if conducting the Tables test on a page with no tables, the result recorded in the spreadsheet was expected to be blank, with a note of "N/A". Unfortunately, assessors did not consistently record such results this way, and instead entered notes such as "No tables", "none on page", or in some cases, "Pass". This variability made it difficult to reliably infer any trends from the difference between a blank result associated with an "N/A" and an actual "Pass".
In the case of one agency, the assessors did not record repeated "Fail" results at every viewport on every page that had common template-level failures affecting every page on the site. Instead, if the page had no other failures for the relevant SAM test, they left the Result field blank, so there was no explicit record of the page failing for those template-level issues. Without redoing the agency's self-assessment, such blanks were inferred to be "Pass" scores. Potentially, then, this interpretation of agency results may have resulted in a marginally higher level of Pass scores.
Key issue #1
There was significant variability in how agencies followed the Self-Assessment process and recorded their manual test results in the Self-Assessment results spreadsheet. This complicated the initial data, which required substantial effort to normalise, and forced some interpretations of the results.
Recommendation #1
To help reduce the variability in how agencies performed the SAM manual tests and recorded the results, it is recommended that assessors be asked simple yes/no or pass/fail questions, and that some mechanisms be established to ensure data consistency. For example, if self-assessment remains the approach taken for measuring Web Standards performance, provide a tool, ideally online (perhaps something like a survey), that restricts the answers that can be recorded. More detailed step-by-step instructions for tests with a more granular focus could also help, to avoid multiple failure issues being recorded under a single test result.
If agency web practitioners and others will be expected to continue performing this type of assessment, there will be a balance to strike between enough detailed instruction for clarity and ease, and not overwhelming assessors who are neither technical web nor accessibility experts.
6.4.2 Cumbersome procedure for recording aXe results
Based on agencies' submissions, it appears that agency assessors did not consistently follow the instructions for using aXe and for recording its automated test results in the spreadsheet. The process for copying and pasting the aXe results did involve a somewhat awkward and repetitive text selection procedure that was prone to error. As such, many automated aXe results included not only clear violations as expected, but also issues that need review. Cleaning these automated results and separating out the violations from those issues that merely need review was not in scope for this project.
Key issue #2
The results from the aXe tool that were saved in the spreadsheet were prey to inconsistencies that could lead to incorrect data being recorded. This was due to the rather tricky copy and paste procedure required to select and save the aXe results.
Recommendation #2
A centralised approach to the automated testing, where one agency performs automated tests across the entire population of pages to be assessed would reduce the burden on agencies for performing what is essentially a machine-based test that should not and does not require manual activity by individual assessors at every agency.
6.5 Self-assessment Methodology (SAM) scores
6.5.1 Agency manual test results
The Accessibility tests, and 1 of the Usability tests (Links to non-HTML files) were applied to all 3 viewports (Desktop, Tablet, and Phone) for each page tested. This would equate to a total of 1,800 results (pass and fail) for each of these tests (30 agencies × 20 pages × 3 viewports = 1,800). However, one agency's submission was missing values for a single page (all 3 viewports), which means there were only 1,797 actual results for each of these SAM tests
Depending on the agency, anywhere from 1 to 7 home pages were included in an agency's self-assessment. A total of 70 home pages were assessed, which equates to a total of 210 results for that test across all 30 agencies (70 home pages × 3 viewports = 210).
Again, depending on the agency, anywhere from 1 to 5 "Contact us" pages were included in its self-assessment. A total of 62 "Contact us" pages were assessed, which makes a total of 186 results for that test (62 "Contact us" pages × 3 viewports = 186).
Table 2 below shows the number of fails recorded for each of the 10 SAM manual tests as assessed by the agencies. These include all the manual tests associated with both the Web Accessibility and the Web Usability Standards, but exclude the automated (aXe) test results. The failures are also represented as a percentage compliance rate, where 100% is full compliance.
Category | SAM test | Total results | Number of fails | Average compliance rate (%) |
Accessibility; | Keyboard | 1,797 | 993 | 45% |
Accessibility | Images | 1,797 | 701 | 61% |
Accessibility | Headings | 1,797 | 633 | 65% |
Usability | Contact information | 186 | 66 | 65% |
Usability | Printable web pages | 600 | 145 | 76% |
Usability | Home page | 210 | 38 | 82% |
Accessibility | Lists | 1,797 | 260 | 86% |
Usability | Links to non-HTML files | 1,797 | 162 | 91% |
Accessibility | Captions and transcripts | 1,797 | 123 | 93% |
Accessibility | Tables | 1,797 | 98 | 95% |
Finding #1
Overall, according to agencies' self-assessment results, the NZ Government web pages assessed have an average compliance rate of 76% against the SAM. Correlatively, the web pages had an average failure rate of 24%. Compare with Finding #2 below regarding the average compliance rate as determined by the external audit results.
6.5.2 External manual test results
Agencies' internal self-assessment results were externally audited by Access Advisors. This external audit involved 3 pages (1 home page, 1 "Contact us" page, and 1 other page) from each agency's self-assessment being tested by accessibility experts against the SAM.
Consequently, the external audits involved testing a smaller number of pages than agencies tested. For each of the manual tests that apply to all 3 viewports, which is all the accessibility and 1 of the usability tests, there were 270 pass/fail results (30 agencies × 3 pages × 3 viewports = 270). For the 3 usability tests that apply only once to each page, there were only 90 total results (30 agencies × 3 pages = 90).
Category | SAM test | Total results | Number of fails | Average compliance rate (%) |
Accessibility | Images | 270 | 248 | 8% |
Accessibility | Keyboard | 270 | 219 | 19% |
Accessibility | Headings | 270 | 163 | 40% |
Usability | Contact information | 90 | 21 | 77% |
Accessibility | Lists | 270 | 48 | 82% |
Usability | Printable web pages | 90 | 8 | 91% |
Accessibility | Captions and transcripts | 270 | 15 | 94% |
Accessibility | Tables | 270 | 15 | 94% |
Usability | Links to non-HTML files | 270 | 15 | 94% |
Usability | Home page | 90 | 4 | 96% |
Table 3 above shows the number of fails for each of the 10 SAM manual tests as applied to these pages by Access Advisors. Just as with agencies' own self-assessment results, these results include all the manual tests associated with both the Web Accessibility and the Web Usability Standards, but exclude the automated (aXe) test results. The failures are also represented as a percentage compliance rate, where 100% is full compliance.
Finding #2
The external audit results established a 65% average compliance rate against the SAM. This represents an average failure rate of 35%, which is 11 percentage points greater than the failure rate measured by agencies. This has implications regarding the accuracy of agencies' own self-assessment results. See Key issue and Recommendation #3.
6.5.3 Comparing agency and external average compliance rates
While the population of pages externally audited was much smaller than that assessed by agencies, the external audit results are assumed to be more accurate, given the relative expertise of the external auditors. Accordingly, despite the smaller sample population of pages, the external audit results are considered to provide a closer representation of the current state of Web Standards implementation across NZ Government websites.
Except for some differences with respect to position, the 3 SAM tests with the lowest rates of compliance are the same for both agencies’ self-assessment results and the external audits. Those are the Images, Keyboard, and Headings tests. See Table 4 below.
Category | SAM test | Agency compliance rate (%) | External audit compliance rate (%) |
Accessibility | Images | 61% | 8% |
Accessibility | Keyboard | 45% | 19% |
Accessibility | Headings | 65% | 40% |
Usability | Contact information | 65% | 77% |
Accessibility | Lists | 86% | 82% |
Usability | Printable web pages | 76% | 91% |
Accessibility | Captions and transcripts | 93% | 94% |
Usability | Links to non-HTML files | 91% | 94% |
Accessibility | Tables | 95% | 94% |
Usability | Home page | 82% | 96% |
Despite the difference in number of fail results, the overall pattern of compliance derived from agency and external audit results is similar.
Finding #3
Despite the difference in expertise, agency results do conform in their general portrait of compliance to the external audit results, and that the 3 tests (Images, Keyboard, Headings) with the lowest compliance rates represent the tests that were least well-handled or most difficult to perform by agency assessors, and the areas where NZ Government websites commonly fail to meet Web Standards requirements. See related Key issue and Recommendation #3 below.
6.5.4 The difference between agency and external manual results
When the external audit scores for the SAM manual tests were compared with the agencies' results, it was noted where a pass was recorded by the agency, but a fail was recorded by the external audit, and vice versa.
By adding up these changes in the results we can get a score representing the average difference or variance between the agency self-assessments and the external audit scores for each manual test in the SAM. This difference or variance can be interpreted as an indication of how accurately web pages were assessed against a specific SAM test or requirement. In other words, the greater the variance, the less the SAM test was accurately assessed.
Table 5 below lists the average variance between the agencies’ own scores and the external audit scores. The variance is expressed as a percentage, where 100% would indicate that the external audit recorded a different score for every result recorded by the agency.
Category | SAM test | Number of Results | Changed to Fail | Changed to Pass | Total Changed Results (%) |
Accessibility | Images | 270 | 139 | 1 | 52% |
Accessibility | Keyboard | 270 | 93 | 13 | 39% |
Accessibility | Headings | 270 | 89 | 13 | 38% |
Usability | Contact information | 90 | 6 | 11 | 19% |
Accessibility | Lists | 270 | 30 | 51 | 30% |
Usability | Printable web pages | 90 | 4 | 18 | 24% |
Accessibility | Captions and transcripts | 270 | 0 | 0 | 0% |
Usability | Links to non-HTML files | 270 | 9 | 35 | 16% |
Accessibility | Tables | 270 | 12 | 11 | 9% |
Usability | Home page | 90 | 1 | 2 | 3% |
Figure 2 below serves merely to emphasise, consistent with the different average compliance rates for agency vs. external audit results, that the SAM Images, Keyboard, and Headings tests were the most problematic for agencies.
Of particular note is the high number of changes from a Pass to a Fail for those 3 tests. This could signal that agencies had difficulty identifying actual failures for these tests.
Meanwhile, there is a relatively high number of changes from a Fail result to a Pass for the Lists, Contact information, Printable web pages, and Links to non-HTML files tests. These 4 tests are arguably much simpler tests to perform than the others, which suggests that the instructions for performing these tests were somehow lacking sufficient detail or direction for agencies to reliably record an appropriate result.
Interestingly, there are relatively similar numbers for changes to Pass and changes to Fail for the Tables test, which would confirm that the test proved difficult to carry out with any reliability, but there were very few actual tables compared with the number of other elements present in the pages assessed.

Detailed description of graph
If we assume that the variance between the agency and external audit score reflects the agencies’ understanding of a requirement, we would expect to see an inverse relationship between that variance and the compliance score for that requirement. Such a relationship was identified from the 2014 Web Standards Self-Assessments, and is confirmed by the results from the 2017 Self-Assessments. As shown in Figure 3 below, as the compliance scores per requirement improve, the variance between agency and external audit scores go down.

Detailed description of graph
The graph shows that the better agencies do at meeting the Standards, the more likely they are to self-assess their websites correctly.
The three areas where agencies did best at meeting the Standards were Captions and transcripts (94% compliant), Home page (96% compliant) and Tables (94% compliant). The average differences between the self-assessment scores and the overall external audit score of these requirements were 0%, 3% and 9%, respectively.
The three areas where agencies did worst at meeting the Standards were Images (8% compliant), Keyboard (19% compliant) and Headings (40% compliant). The average differences between the self-assessment scores and the overall external audit score of these requirements were 52%, 39% and 38%, respectively.
See Appendix E for the data represented in Figure 3.
Key issue #3
Agencies' SAM manual test results were, on average, inaccurate by 25%. The 3 tests that were least accurately assessed by agencies (the Images, Keyboard, and Headings tests), were the 3 tests most commonly failed by the web pages that were audited. This suggests that agency websites fail these requirements, and agencies inaccurately assess their websites' conformance with those requirements, for the same reason: a lack in agencies' understanding of the requirements.
Recommendation #3
Workshops on how to conduct the self-assessments and follow the SAM were held early in the 2017 Self-Assessment programme. It is recommended that these continue. If the SAM is maintained as a practical collection of easy-to-use tests that can be run anytime and anywhere, then these workshops can be regular, ongoing occurrences that continually raise the visibility and practitioners' knowledge of the Web Standards.
6.5.5 Automated test results
The SAM automated tests were performed using the aXe extension for the Chrome browser. Since the aXe results fairly directly translate to WCAG 2.0 SC, they serve best as an expression of compliance to those particular WCAG SC. For this reason, the automated aXe results are addressed in the next section, SAM results as an expression of WCAG 2.0.
Additionally, given that they are automated results, there is little to no reason to review or compare agencies' aXe results with those from the external audit. In some ways, the agency aXe results are better: They're from the same tool, so should be just as robust as the external audit aXe results; but the agency aXe results are from a much larger sample (based on 20 pages per agency, as compared to the 3 pages per agency tested in the external audit), and therefore, taken on their own, will be more representative.
6.6 SAM results as an expression of WCAG 2.0
The Web Accessibility Standard is a slightly modified version of WCAG 2.0 Level AA. To understand what the SAM test results mean in terms of WCAG conformance, it is important to know which WCAG SC corresponds to which individual SAM test, both manual and automated.
6.6.1 Mapping SAM manual tests to WCAG
There is no one-to-one relationship between SAM manual tests and WCAG SC. While the Images, Headings, Lists, and Tables tests from the SAM each correspond to a single WCAG SC, the Keyboard and Captions and Transcripts tests can each relate to up to 3 WCAG SC.
SAM Test | Matching WCAG 2.0 Success Criteria |
Images | 1.1.1 Non-text Content |
Headings | 1.3.1 Info and Relationships |
Lists | 1.3.1 Info and Relationships |
Tables | 1.3.1 Info and Relationships |
Keyboard |
2.1.1 Keyboard 2.1.2 No Keyboard Trap 2.4.7 Focus Visible |
Captions and Transcripts |
1.2.2 Captions (Prerecorded) 1.2.3 Audio Description or Media Alternative (Prerecorded) 4.1.2 Name, Role, Value |
For instance, a single page might register a fail for the Keyboard test because it is not always visually indicated which link currently has keyboard focus (a violation of WCAG SC 2.4.7), and also because some widget on the page just does not work with a keyboard (a violation of SC 2.1.1). In such a case, a single SAM test result comprises violations of 2 distinct WCAG 2.0 SC.
Furthermore, three of the SAM tests correspond to WCAG SC 1.3.1. So, for example, a fail of the Headings test entails a fail for all the SC 1.3.1 related SAM tests, even if Lists and Tables record only passes. In such a scenario, WCAG SC 1.3.1 would receive both a pass and a fail result.
Even the manual Images test captured (in the auditors' notes) a range of different failure causes related to SC 1.1.1. Yet, in terms of the actual Pass/Fail results, the details of these different failure causes were not clearly captured by the SAM.
As a result of this relationship between the SAM manual tests and WCAG 2.0 SC, a SAM compliance score (based on failures of the SAM manual tests) cannot be translated directly to a meaningful WCAG 2.0 compliance score.
However, by expanding the SAM test results for Keyboard and Captions and Transcripts into their individual issues, and assigning those to relevant WCAG SC, the SAM results offer a more detailed view of WCAG conformance, albeit still for just a subset of the WCAG 2.0 SC required by the Web Accessibility Standard. We still do not get a full WCAG 2.0 compliance score, but we do know more about some of the specific WCAG SC failures for a particular page. When considering the whole sample of pages audited, we can also rank the incidence of WCAG SC failures, which helps to identify which are the most common.
Key issue #4
Details about specific causes of failure could not always be derived from the agency results without additional interpretation and refinement because of the way that multiple failures against several WCAG 2.0 SC and other important details could be encapsulated within a single SAM test, i.e. the manual Keyboard and Captions and Transcripts tests.
Recommendation #4
The SAM Keyboard and Captions and Transcripts tests should be revised so that the more detailed individual errors associated with discrete WCAG 2.0 SC can be recorded and planned for remediation in a programme of work. It is recommended that the SAM manual tests related to SC 1.1.1, 1.3.1, 2.1.1 and 2.4.7 be refined into a number of more discrete tests to elicit more detailed, actionable results.
6.6.2 WCAG indications from SAM manual test results
The SAM manual test scores from both agency and external audit results were converted to their representative WCAG 2.0 SC, based on the assessor-provided notes accompanying each result. This included expanding the Keyboard test failures into their individual WCAG-related issues under WCAG SC 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.4.7. Similarly, the Captions and Transcripts test failures were expanded as appropriate into their discrete issues under WCAG SC 1.2.2, 1.2.3, and 4.1.2.
As noted above, because there is no direct one-to-one relationship between the SAM manual tests and WCAG 2.0, the SAM manual tests cannot be converted into a WCAG compliance score.
Note the similar distribution of failures in the agency and external audit results, as shown in Table 7 below. This again suggests (see Finding #3 above) that the overall pattern of issues identified by agencies working through the SAM is representative, in spite of a 25% inaccuracy rate.
WCAG | Failures as per agency results (%) | Failures as per external audit (%) |
1.1.1 Non-text Content | 28% | 31% |
1.3.1 Info and Relationships | 32% | 28% |
2.4.7 Focus Visible | 27% | 25% |
2.1.1 Keyboard | 7% | 13% |
1.2.2 Captions (Prerecorded) | 2% | 1% |
1.2.3 Audio Description or Media Alternative (Prerecorded) | 2% | 1% |
2.1.2 No Keyboard Trap | 1% | 0% |
4.1.2 Name Role Value | 1% | 0% |
Total | 100% | 100% |
Finding #4
The SAM manual tests, by their makeup, can be mapped to only 8 of the 37 WCAG SC required by the Web Accessibility Standard. Once mapped to their associated WCAG SC, the SAM manual tests that were most commonly failed (Images, Keyboard, Headings) relate to just 3 WCAG SC (1.1.1, 1.3.1, 2.4.7). See related Key issue and Recommendation #7 below.
6.6.3 Mapping SAM automated tests to WCAG
The SAM automated tests were performed using the aXe extension for the Chrome browser. The aXe extension runs a series of tests on the page currently loaded in the browser, and returns a list of violations found. Based on the documentation for the aXe tests, we associated each of these violations with a specific WCAG 2.0 SC. See Appendix D for a list of aXe errors and their associated WCAG 2.0 SC. Note that a number of violations identified by aXe are considered best practice or otherwise classified, but are not explicit WCAG SC errors. For the purposes of this exercise, which is about how the SAM identified Web Accessibility Standard or WCAG issues, those non-WCAG violations were ignored.
6.6.4 WCAG indications from SAM automated test results
WCAG Success Criteria | Number of fails | Percentage of total results |
1.4.3 Contrast (Minimum) | 1253 | 26% |
1.3.1 Info and Relationships | 1002 | 21% |
4.1.2 Name Role Value | 821 | 17% |
1.1.1 Non-text Content | 490 | 10% |
4.1.1 Parsing | 406 | 8% |
1.4.4 Resize text | 372 | 8% |
3.1.1 Language of Page | 275 | 6% |
2.4.1 Bypass Blocks | 93 | 2% |
1.2.1 Audio-only and Video-only (Prerecorded) | 57 | 1% |
1.2.2 Captions (Prerecorded) | 54 | 1% |
2.4.2 Page Titled | 9 | 0% |
3.1.2 Language of Parts | 3 | 0% |
Total | 4835 | 100% |
According to the aXe results (as seen in Table 8), the greatest number of issues belong to WCAG SC 1.4.3, 1.3.1, and 4.1.2. The SC 1.4.3 errors are colour contrast issues where text and background colours are not sufficiently distinct to enable easy reading by sighted users. Colour contrast issues are well-captured by aXe, which is why they were not included as part of the SAM manual tests.
Looking in more detail at the error messages associated with the aXe findings, the most common issues under SC 1.3.1 were form elements lacking properly associated labels, and heading elements with no content. Neither of these issues were explicitly checked for by the SAM tests, which makes their identification by aXe useful.
The SC 4.1.2 failures found by aXe had mostly to do with links not having discernible text, which results in links with no programmatic name that software, such as screen reader or speech recognition software, can use to identify or refer to it.
Key issue #5
The aXe tool identified common issues with colour contrast, form input labels and empty headings, and links with no accessible name or identifier. These relate to WCAG SC 1.4.3, 1.3.1, and 4.1.2, respectively. These issues would not have been found through the SAM manual tests alone, making aXe a useful addition to the self-assessment methodology.
Recommendation #5
Continue to advise agencies and web development firms to integrate automated testing tools like aXe (Tenon.io is another example) into their regular work practices. While such tools cannot address all accessibility issues and failures, they can be used to provide reliable, consistent, and accurate results, as opposed to manual tests that require time, effort, and interpretation.
6.7 SAM as indicator of WCAG compliance
For assessing a web page's accessibility, defined by the Web Accessibility Standard as conformance to WCAG 2.0 AA, the 2017 Self-Assessment Methodology (SAM) combined a small number of manual tests with one automated test. The intent of the SAM was to provide practical, easy-to-run manual tests that addressed known common accessibility issues (as identified by the 2014 Self-Assessments). By design, those manual tests did not cover issues that the automated test tool, aXe, was known to address. While the SAM certainly identified accessibility errors across those pages that were tested, to what degree do the SAM results for a web page serve as an indicator of, or proxy for, WCAG 2.0 AA compliance?
To answer this question, a sample of 10 pages from the total population of pages assessed in the 2017 Self-Assessments, was additionally assessed against the full WCAG 2.0 specification, at Level AA (minus the one exemption for SC 1.2.5 under the Web Accessibility Standard). The SAM results for those same 10 pages were compared with the full WCAG 2.0 audit results.
6.7.1 Incomplete WCAG coverage
From the outset, it was clear that the SAM could not fully represent WCAG 2.0, given that the SAM tests do not address every issue covered by the 37 WCAG 2.0 SC required by the Web Accessibility Standard. In total, the SAM manual and automated accessibility tests cover only 16 of the 37 relevant SC:
- 1.1.1 Non-text Content
- 1.2.1 Audio-only and Video-only (Prerecorded)
- 1.2.2 Captions (Prerecorded)
- 1.2.3 Audio Description or Media Alternative (Prerecorded)
- 1.3.1 Info and Relationships
- 1.4.3 Contrast (Minimum)
- 1.4.4 Resize text
- 2.1.1 Keyboard
- 2.1.2 No keyboard trap
- 2.4.1 Bypass Blocks
- 2.4.2 Page Titled
- 2.4.7 Focus visible
- 3.1.1 Language of Page
- 3.1.2 Language of Parts
- 4.1.1 Parsing
- 4.1.2 Name Role Value
Further, certain of these SC, in particular 1.3.1 and 4.1.2, involve a broad range of possible failure conditions that are not explicitly tested for, neither by the SAM manual tests nor the rules applied by the aXe tests. In comparing the full WCAG audit results with those from the SAM for the same pages, there were a significant number of 1.3.1 and 4.1.2 errors representing critical accessibility issues that were identified by the former, but not the latter.
For instance, the SAM manual tests are such that they simply could not possibly have identified the following type of important 1.3.1 errors:
- form labels not programmatically associated with their fields
- interactive states visually indicated, but not programmatically provided
- links with no discernible text
- interactive controls not marked up as interactive controls
- major, discrete page regions (e.g. footer) not programmatically demarcated.
It is worth repeating that the above are critical accessibility issues that can present serious barriers to some users, especially those that rely on assistive technologies. However, the aXe tool is able to find some of the above failures, so the SAM as a whole does provide more coverage of accessibility issues than the manual tests alone.
Still, the aXe tool was only able to find approximately 12% of the SC 1.3.1 errors, and 30% of the SC 4.1.2 errors, as identified in the full WCAG audit. Among the SC 4.1.2 errors identified in the full WCAG audit, but missed by aXe, were the following common accessibility issues:
- interactive elements assigned an incorrect role or state (e.g. an element that acts like a button, but is exposed in the HTML markup as some other kind of element; a push button whose pressed state is marked up as not pressed)
- User interface components with no accessible name (e.g. a button with no discernible content by which it can be named or referred to; form inputs without labels associated with them in the HTML markup).
This is not a criticism of the aXe tool, which purposely limits its tests to those that will not raise false positives. But it does emphasise the limitations of the aXe tool. Unfortunately, these types of accessibility issues are more technically complicated to assess, and typically require more advanced understanding of web technologies like HTML, ARIA, and the way that browsers work with assistive technologies such as screen readers.
Key Issue #6
The aXe tool is useful for testing certain characteristics of web accessibility, but is limited in what it tests for, and cannot reveal all critical accessibility errors or WCAG failures, which requires manual testing.
Recommendation #6
When comprehensively testing for accessibility, whether to a specific standard, e.g. WCAG 2.0 AA, or to inclusive design principles and best practice, the use of automated tools must be supplemented with manual testing, ideally by someone with expertise in how web technologies work to deliver accessible user experiences.
6.7.2 SAM and WCAG 2.0 compliance rates do not compare
The SAM manual accessibility tests did find many other, often significant, accessibility issues that the aXe tool did not, particularly to do with WCAG SC 1.1.1, 1.3.1, 2.1.1 and 2.4.7. However, even if the SAM manual and automated accessibility test failures for a web page are combined to produce a SAM compliance rate for that page, that number just does not compare in any meaningful or consistent fashion with the full WCAG audit scores for the same page.
Certainly, SAM results may provide an indicator of comparative accessibility when applied to different web pages, and therefore can serve to rate those pages' relative accessibility, as defined by the SAM tests. However, because of the differences between the SAM and a full WCAG 2.0 assessment, the SAM results do not provide a robust indicator of accessibility as defined by the Web Accessibility Standard.
Key issue #7
The SAM does not deliver a representative Web Standards or WCAG compliance measure. One could develop a SAM with tests that translate to and represent a much greater number of WCAG SC. However, that collection of tests could never reasonably represent all WCAG failure conditions, and so there still would be no one-to-one correlation between the SAM and a full WCAG compliance score.
Recommendation #7
As opposed to preparing and running a collection of tests to address all the potential WCAG failure conditions, an expert WCAG audit of a representative sample of pages will be the more cost-effective approach for establishing an average WCAG compliance score for NZ Government websites overall.
For instance, one option might be a centralised full WCAG audit of approximately 70-80 pages (for a reasonably representative sample) that combines manual and automated tests; or a centralised manual WCAG audit of 70-80 pages, plus a much broader automated assessment of 100s or even 1000s of pages from across the NZ Government's web presence.
6.8 Comparing 2017 results to 2014 results
The 2014 Self-Assessments involved complete WCAG 2.0 audits of web pages. As such, comparing the 2017 results with those from 2014 suffers the same limitations as comparing the SAM results to the results of the full WCAG audits. However, if we consider the SAM manual and automated test results represented as WCAG SC failures, there is some clear alignment between them and the 2014 results.
In 2014, the most commonly failed WCAG SC were, in ascending order of compliance:
- 1. 1.3.1 Info and Relationships
- 2. 1.1.1 Non-text Content
- 3. 1.4.3 Contrast (Minimum)
- 4. 4.1.2 Name, Role, Value
- 5. 2.4.7 Focus Visible
In 2017, the SAM manual results have WCAG SC 1.1.1, 1.3.1, and 2.4.7 in their top 4, while the top 4 WCAG SC failures as per the aXe test results are the same as those from the 2014 Self-Assessments.
Finding #5
Despite the different approaches between the two Self-Assessment programmes, many of the common issues identified in 2017 remain common in today's NZ Government web pages.
6.9 Other trends
6.9.1 SAM Keyboard results
Each SAM Keyboard test result could represent several issues related to different WCAG SC. For example, a page with links lacking visible focus indicators, and a widget in which keyboard focus gets trapped, preventing keyboard access to the rest of the page, would be recorded as a single failure of the SAM Keyboard test, but represent distinct errors under SC 2.4.7 Focus visible and SC 2.1.2 No keyboard trap.
When these SAM Keyboard results are expanded from a single Fail result into their discrete WCAG SC failures, we get an impression of the relative frequency of those different WCAG SC failures. We can also compare the distribution of these keyboard-related WCAG failures from agencies' own self-assessment results to those of the external audit (Table 9).
WCAG Success Criteria | Failures as per agency results (%) | Failures as per external audits (%) |
2.4.7 Focus Visible | 56% | 66% |
2.1.1 Keyboard | 41% | 33% |
2.1.2 No Keyboard Trap | 3% | 1% |
Total | 100% | 100% |
Comparing agency results to external audit results for keyboard-related WCAG failures, the distribution of those failures is similar across the two result sets. However, the external audit results recorded twice as many SC 2.4.7 failures as SC 2.1.1 failures, whereas the agency results show only 1.4 times as many SC 2.4.7 failures over SC 2.1.1. In either case, there is clearly a higher incidence of visible focus issues than there are issues with basic keyboard functionality.
While ensuring that all page content is operable via keyboard is a critical requirement for accessibility, if it is not visibly clear which interactive control is currently in focus, sighted keyboard users will have an extremely difficult, if not impossible time taking advantage of any otherwise accessible keyboard functionality.
Finding #6
While agency websites have difficulty making their interactive controls usable by keyboard, the more common keyboard accessibility issue is interactive components lacking a visible indication of when they have keyboard focus and are ready to be activated by the user. Accordingly, educating designers and developers on the importance of visible focus indicators is a relatively clear priority for improving the accessibility of government websites. See Key issue and Recommendation #8 below.
6.9.2 SAM Captions and Transcripts
Just as with the SAM Keyboard test results, each Captions and Transcripts test result could represent different WCAG issues. A video might lack both captions and a descriptive text transcript, representing failures of both WCAG SC 1.2.2 and 1.2.3 within a single SAM result for Captions and Transcripts.
The Captions and Transcripts test was also intended to identify embedded videos, e.g. YouTube or Vimeo, lacking an HTML title attribute on the video's
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