Levels of Assurance
Understand the concept of Levels of Assurance, how it relates to the Identification Standards and how to declare them.
Levels of Assurance (LoA) indicate how robust identification processes are to assure the right Entity Information, Authenticators, and the connections between these and an Entity.
The assurance aspect of Levels of Assurance
There are 3 assurance aspects to LoA:
- Information Assurance (IA)
- Binding Assurance (BA)
- Authentication Assurance (AA).
These relate directly to 3 of the Identification Standards with the same names.
Applying the assurance aspects to identification processes
In identification, when an Entity enrols in a particular context, usually related to a Relying Party, a triangle is formed by 3 elements:
- the Entity
- the Entity’s information
- the Authenticators they use within that context.
Diagram 1 shows the triangle and the relationships between the elements.

Read the detailed description of diagram 1
This diagram shows the connection between the 3 elements:
- Entity
- Entity Information
- Authenticator
The connection between Entity and Entity Information is labelled Entity Binding. The connection between Entity Information and Authenticator is labelled Authenticator Registration. The connection between Authenticator and Entity is Authenticator Control.
Each of the LoA assurance aspects relates to 1 or more elements within the triangle.
- Information Assurance (IA): Robustness of the process to establish the quality and accuracy of Entity Information.
- Binding Assurance (BA): Robustness of Entity Binding, the process to bind the Entity to Entity Information.
- Authentication Assurance (AA): Robustness of the Authenticator and the process to ensure an Authenticator remains solely in control of its holder and is registered.
When applied together they ensure the integrity of the triangle is maintained and that the risk of identity theft is reduced.
The level aspect of Levels of Assurance
Each assurance aspect has 4 levels representing the degree of robustness in the processes associated with that aspect. Where 1 represents the weakest process and 4 represents the strongest process.
The level to use is determined by the amount of risk to be mitigated by the process. This methodology helps to balance the effort and the effectiveness of processes. More information about assessing identification risk is available in the following guidance:
To achieve a particular level requires all the controls of the relevant standard to be applied at that level or above. For example, if all the controls in the Information Assurance Standard are applied at or over level 3 then the Level of Information Assurance (LoIA) level will be 3.
Declaring Levels of Assurance
Levels of Assurance tell people how robust identification processes are or need to be. Therefore, there are several reasons why a party might want to declare the Levels of Assurance. These include when a party is:
- required to meet a certain risk profile following an assessment of identification risk
- wants to change identification processes after a review of their current capability
- needs to show trust in an identification process.
Other reasons to declare Levels of Assurance can include a:
- Credential Provider indicating the quality of their Credential to a Relying Party or Entity
- Relying Party advising potential suppliers of identification services the level they need
- Relying Party indicating to customers the level of evidence they’ll accept.
Format of the declaration
Levels of Assurance are not declared as a single value, or as an accumulated value of the 3 assurance aspects, due to the independence of each of the 3 identification processes. They’re declared as a 3-part expression such as:
{IAn, BAn, AAn} or more simply as {n,n,n}
Where n represents the assurance level (1 to 4) achieved by each identification process. The order of the values also remains persistent.
The Levels of Assurance expression is applied to individual pieces of information in a context, not to a whole Credential, Entity or an event such as enrolment. This is because not all information is treated the same in these cases. For example, some information contained in a Credential may have robust processes applied, while other information may not have.
It’s also possible for 1 or more of the values in an expression to be 0, if that process is not present in the instance.
How to declare Levels of Assurance expressions
Levels of Assurance can be declared in several ways. These include:
- with other general information about a Credential and its purpose. For example, on a website
- making Levels of Assurance part of the functional requirements when procuring identification services
- including them in metadata as part of a presentation or information sharing arrangement
- on public registers where the ability of the party to meet the levels has been independently assessed and certified.
Wherever the Levels of Assurance are declared, it will be accompanied with a statement about the nature of the declaration. For example, if an organisation is self-attesting to the declaration, this will be stated.
More information about getting a certificate for declarations for Levels of Assurance can found at Conforming with the Identification Standards.
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