The Department of Internal Affairs’ Service Innovation team Principal Advisor, Kirk Mariner, reflects on the year’s milestones and action plan for 2020, plus the CONNECT Forum.
Kia ora koutou
Welcome to our end-of-year blog post about the Digital Inclusion Blueprint — Te Mahere mō te Whakaurunga Matihiko, the New Zealand Government’s strategy for digital inclusion.
With just a few weeks to go until Christmas, it’s a great time to reflect on the year and look at what’s coming up in 2020.
Digital Inclusion CONNECT Forum — your feedback
Firstly, a big ngā mihi nui (thank you) to everyone who came to our first Digital Inclusion CONNECT Forum in Wellington on October 26, 2019.
We had a great turnout thanks to our excellent speakers. Nanogirl Labs’ Dr Michelle Dickinson, Hīria Te Rangi (Whare Haurora) and Jolie Hodson (Spark) were joined by tech advocate Eteroa Lafaele and tech specialist and company director Mike O’Donnell for a panel discussion.
We received some constructive feedback, which we’re using to plan the March 2020 hui. Here’s a snapshot of what you told us:
- Overall, it was a great day — people enjoyed themselves, however, there’s plenty of room for improvement.
- Most people attended the event to network and meet new people interested in digital inclusion.
- But people wanted more time to interact and collaborate.
- Attendees most enjoyed the forum speakers and a chance to connect with others.
- Attendees were interested in the government’s direction, thinking and what government is planning and wanted government to share more information.
CONNECT Forum highlights
For those of you who couldn’t make it, here’s a short video of key highlights from the forum.
The video — Digital Inclusion CONNECT Forum, 2019 ( 2 mins, 27 secs) — features comments from organisations such as:
- Digital Inclusion Alliance Aotearoa (external link)[L1]
- Digital Seniors (external link)[L2]
- Ngāti Tamaterā, the Hauraki Collective (external link)[L3].
We look forward to seeing everyone again at the next one in 2020.
Research, research and more research
This year was also about building the foundation for digital inclusion in New Zealand and generating the research evidence agencies, organisations and businesses need to collaborate, plan and make funding decisions.
This year we published:
- Digital Inclusion Outcomes Framework
- Digital Inclusion Research Agenda
- Stocktake reports on New Zealand’s digital inclusion initiatives
- Advice on effective evaluation.
We’re also pleased to share a new report shedding light on the eight groups in New Zealand most in need of digital inclusion. Written by Motu Economic and Public Policy Research for DIA, Digital Inclusion and Wellbeing in New Zealand is available online and PDF. Please read it and use the findings in your work.
Report author Dr Arthur Grimes summarises the key findings in his latest blog for People with disabilities and in social housing among the least digitally included.
Digital Inclusion Action Plan for 2020
Right now, we’re working on the Digital Inclusion Action Plan for next year. The plan will identify the government’s areas of focus for 2020. Once finalised, it will be published in on in the New Year.
The 2019 Action Plan featured 13 actions. It set the scene for working toward the vision of the Digital Inclusion Blueprint and featured actions such as developing evidence-based measures and evaluation guidelines; identifying priority areas for focus; identifying intervention and policy gaps; and testing and reviewing small scale interventions.
For more information about the Digital Inclusion Action Plan, email the team at:[L4]
Meri Kirihimete
Meri Kirihimete and a very happy New Year from the Digital Inclusion programme team at DIA. Wishing you all very best for a safe and happy summer break. We look forward to working with you in 2020.
Join the Digital Inclusion Blueprint conversation
Keep up-to-date with what’s happening in digital inclusion by subscribing to our mailing list (external link)[L5]
For more information on the Digital Inclusion Blueprint or to get in touch, check out:
- Digital inclusion
- DIA channels on YouTube (external link)[L6]
- Digital Inclusion NZ on Twitter @diginclusion (external link)[L7]
- #DigitalInclusionNZ
You can also email the team at[L8]