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Mana Whakahaere Principle

Empower people by giving them choice and enabling their access to and use of their data and information.

Where possible, give people choices and respect the choices they make

  • Tell people, in a way that makes sense to them, what data or information is collected about them, how it’s used, who it’s shared with, and why, even if it’s used or shared in a way that does not and cannot be used to identify them. There will be situations where there are good reasons not to tell them, for example, if it would undermine the purpose of the collection, or it’s just not possible to tell the person.
  • Consider people’s wellbeing and provide choices about what is collected, how it’s used and why, and whether it’s shared — unless it’s not safe or appropriate to do so.
  • Take extra care when deciding not to give people choices or not to explain to them how their information will be used and why.
  • It’s not appropriate to rely on broad or ‘future-proofing’ purpose statements or consents for potential uses that are loosely defined.
    Even when there is no legal requirement to tell people, transparency is important for trust and respect, and recognising people’s mana.
  • If it’s not timely or appropriate to tell them beforehand, tell them afterwards — unless there’s good reason not to.
  • When communicating with children and young people, consider their vulnerability and the roles that their parents, guardians or wider whānau may play in supporting them.

Give people easy access to and oversight of their information wherever possible

  • People should not have to rely on Privacy Act 2020 requests to access information held about them.
  • Encourage people to see what is recorded about them. This is a way to empower them and acknowledge that their data and information is part of their story and experiences.
  • Making it easy for people to see their data and information can mean many things. This may include showing them what is written on a computer screen, including them on email referrals to another agency (taking care to double-check email addresses), or providing information in accessible formats for people with a sight disability or limited literacy.
  • Whenever possible, help people check, add or correct their information.
  • Help people access their information so that they can share it with others and avoid retelling their story.

What mana whakahaere means for DPUP

Mana whakahaere means governance, authority, jurisdiction, management, mandate and power. Mana in the context of the Data Protection and Use Policy (DPUP) refers to an individual’s power or influence, and whakahaere refers to an individual’s ability to influence or manage.

To say that an individual has mana whakahaere over their data recognises the importance of their choice or say over where their data will go, who can access it and what it can be used for.

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