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Manaakitanga Principle

Respect and uphold the mana and dignity of the people, whānau, communities or groups who share their data and information.

Recognise and incorporate diverse cultural interests, perspectives and needs

  • Be mindful of New Zealand’s cultural diversity, and the different perspectives, needs and approaches that should influence how we work.
  • Consider the views of people and communities. Learn what they think about why and how their data and information is collected, used or shared.
  • When deciding what information to collect and use to develop insights, recognise that different groups and people may value qualitative and quantitative information about themselves differently.
  • Advocate for having a diverse, informed and representative membership for data and information advisory groups, reference groups and other kinds of groups to ensure quality practice and outcomes.

Include and involve service users whenever possible

  • People can offer greater value than just their information and data.
  • Their ideas and views are valuable. Include these when developing or testing proposals to collect and use data or information to improve wellbeing.

Incorporate people’s views when they have a specific interest in what is done with their information

  • For Māori, this means upholding their rights as Treaty partners and focusing on the collective and whānau outcomes of any work.
  • For Pacific peoples, this means considering the distinct views and thoughts of their diverse communities.
  • For children and young people, this means supporting their right to participate, communicating with them in appropriate ways and at the appropriate level, and acknowledging what they have to say is valuable.
  • For disabled people, this means considering accessibility issues, focusing on what works well for them, understanding their achievements and contributions, and making sure they are not ‘invisible’ in data and information.
  • Other people and groups are likely to have their own specific needs and priorities. It is important to be proactive in identifying and addressing those needs and priorities.
  • Employing people with the relevant cultural competence and experiences will help service delivery agencies engage effectively with these communities and groups.

What manaakitanga means for DPUP

Manaakitanga means the process of showing respect, generosity and care for the people who use services, their whānau and communities. It also means to show respect and care for their information and stories.

Mana is the essential lifeforce within a person, place or object. In this context, caring for the people who share their information involves supporting, listening to and involving people in deciding what happens to their information. This results in empowering people and enhancing their mana.

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