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GEA-NZ dimension: Governance and performance

This section will help you to consider governance needs and performance measures across all aspects of your architecture.

A digital organisation needs to be sensing and well-informed. Providing timely and relevant information to governance is critical to digital transformation. To ensure your architecture delivers its intended outcomes it needs to monitor and measure change as well as operational performance.

The table below shows some of the ways in which governance needs and performance measures should be reflected in the other dimensions of the architecture.

Table 2: How governance and performance is related to other dimensions

Dimension Examples of how governance needs and performance measures influence other architectural dimensions
Strategy, investment and policy

Digital strategies are enabled by continual monitoring of the operational environment and measurement of the impact of change.

Performance measurement and response occurs at multiple levels and time-scales. Timely and relevant performance measurement enables effective governance and effective implementation of strategy.

Performance measurement confirms benefits realisation of investment or the need to adjust the investment.


Standards can be seen as the operational layer of policy, some standards are mandated by policy or legislation.

Governance and performance considerations need to be reflected in the standards that your organisation adopts.

You need to monitor and measure the effectiveness of standards and ensure that they’re governed at a level in the organisation where the impact of the standard is visible and understood.

Standards should be managed to enable an organisation to operate in the current environment, not lock it into obsolete ways of working.

Identity, privacy and security

Effective governance over privacy and security needs to be designed carefully to ensure oversight of risks without introducing senior management bottlenecks.

You need to measure the threat and risk environment in order to invest appropriately in security and privacy controls.


Governance and performance provides measurements and controls for business services, processes, capabilities, and business change.

This is where you would expect find most of the effort and impact of governance and performance measurement.

Effective governance and performance over business domains is a key enabler of a modern digital business. For example, performance measurement enables experimenting and continuous improvement.

Data,  information and analytics

To manage data and information as an asset for New Zealand you must measure and understand availability, quality and consistency of interpretation.

Governance bodies require appropriate expertise in diversity and inclusion particularly in relation to Māori data needs and governance, ethical use and data literacy.

Application and software services

In the past, enterprise architecture focused on technology and applications.

Modern enterprise architecture takes a more holistic approach, however it is still important to understand and measure the value that the applications and service portfolio holds for the business.

This requires traditional cataloguing and modelling of the applications environment.As organisations move to cloud-based SaaS applications it becomes more important to focus on measuring that business outcomes are being achieved.

It is important that the information you get from your service provider meets your needs.


As organisations move to cloud-based SaaS applications it becomes more important to focus on measuring that business outcomes are being achieved.

It is important that the information you get from your service provider meets your needs. IAS infrastructure

Governance and performance resources

Below are examples of what you may find in your agency, and across government, that will help guide your enterprise architecture.

All-of-government resources

Performance resources
Maturity assessment tools

There are a number of different maturity assessments available to assess various capabilities of NZ government organisations.

Your agency's documents

  • Completed maturity assessments.
  • Completed Performance Improvement Framework reports.
  • Reporting on agency services delivered.
  • Reports produced under the Public Finance Act and Crown Entities Act.

Utility links and page information

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